📣 We are having a holiday break from July 29th until August 15th


Contact Us for the Offer:
Fill out the contact form below ->
We will respond with a personalized offer just for you.

Join Us for a Kid-Focused Learning Expedition!

Take your students on a chocolate adventure! From wandering through a lively Mexican cacao farm with parrots to peeking at chocolate being made behind giant windows, and even creating their own chocolate treats to take home. It’s a School Trip packed with fun and learning!


About the activity

Approximate duration of 2-3 hours.

Depending on whether the trip includes just the Chocolate Factory Tour or also the chocolate workshops.

What’s included

Chocolate Factory Tour:

  • Chocolate Factory Exhibitions:Your our class will see the transformation of chocolate through time, starting with the ancient machinery, wandering through a lush Cacao Plantation, and getting a sneak peek at Sugar Production. They’ll also witness modern chocolate production behind the scenes, through large glass panels.
  • Kid’s Fantasy World Area – special surprise along the way!
  • Chocolate and Raw Cacao Tasting: Students will get to taste different types of chocolate and raw cacao, learning about flavors and origins.

Chocolate Workshops (Optional)

  • Chocolate workshop where you can create your own heart-shaped lollipops and take them home with you.

Experienced Guides

 Our official guides are here to make your visit both educational and incredibly fun.

Activity location

V Oblouku 728, Průhonice, Czech Republic
Google Map Link

School Trip Booking

Fill out the contact form. We will respond

with a personalized offer just for you.

Chocolate workshop for Kids:

Chocolate lollies workshop

Activity: The workshop is a creative session where students make and personalize a chocolate lollipops, using a wide array of decorations.

Duration: It’s a 30-minute creative burst of chocolate fun, right after the tour.

Support: Our friendly staff will be there to guide and assist the kids throughout the workshop.

The workshops adventure is designed to provide kids with a combination of education, creativity, and sheer chocolate delight, guaranteeing a school trip that is both enriching and unforgettable. We strongly recommend including workshops in the school trip, as they foster unforgettable memories by engaging kids in creative work.


Contact Form

To book a School Trip, please fill out this form

Just a few seconds to fill this out, and we’ll craft the perfect school trip offer for you.

Book your Chocolate SCHOOL TRIP TODAY!

Mgr. Kitti Lukácsová
Mgr. Kitti Lukácsová
Zàžitok pre celù rodinu. Veeelmi odporùčam. Deti sa zabavili, čokolàdu ochutnali, je aj detský kùtik pri kaviarni. Majù vinikajùe čokolàdy, cukrìky a marcipàn. Kùpili sme lìstky pre 5 osôb, bolo okolo 110€ a zahrňa vytvàranie z foriem čokolàdu, mùzeum, ochutnàvky a detský kùtik.
Pěkné muzeum, skvělý workshop a vstřícná a přátelská obsluha! Návštěvu Chocotopie jsme si opravdu užili, mohu jedině doporučit!
Kristyna Soumarova
Kristyna Soumarova
Krásné voňavé místo. Moc milí zaměstnanci. Paní majitelka je nesmírně milá, pokorná, se vším ráda pomůže, vše vam zodpoví. Pro zákazníky by se rozdala :) Na každém rohu dostanete kouskem čokolády na ochutnání. Moc jsme si to s manželem užili i bez dětí. Ale pro děti je to tu samozřejmě super zařízené. 🤩 workshop na výrobu vlastní čokolády vřele doporučuji! Od lizatek po tabulky čokolády. Máme krásnou památku. Nakonec projděte kramkem, kde mají čokoládu i pro diabetiky-bez cukru. Dokonce i kosmetiku, krémy, sampony a vše je krasne voňavé čokoládou. Celou dobu jsme si přišly jak u Willyho Wonky. :) Milý pan Pavel, který nás uváděl a vysvětloval nám pruvodcovskou aplikaci byl taky velmi vtipný a vřelý. Všem doporučuji tuto super krasnou zkušenost plnou ochutnavani výborně čokolády. 🤩🤩♥️
Lukas Bures
Lukas Bures
Krásný velký přehledný prostor s členitým a zajímavým interiérem a perfektním workshopem pro výrobu čokolády<3
Petr Donát
Petr Donát
Úžasné dopoledne 😊
Nikola Cupasová
Nikola Cupasová
Dneska jsme navštívili s kamarádkou a dětmi Chocotopii. Moc se nám tam líbilo. Personál moc milý. Určitě navštívíme znovu, protože prohlídka a i herna byla skvělá. O chuti čokolády ani nemluvím, ta byla výborná. Děkujeme, ještě se určitě vrátíme 👌🏻.


Our school trips are designed to cater to students of all ages, from elementary through high school. Each activity, including the chocolate workshops, is tailored to be age-appropriate and engaging for each group.

The typical duration of a school trip is between 2 to 3 hours. This includes the chocolate factory tour, chocolate workshop, and any additional activities you choose to include.

Absolutely! We aim to make our school trips as educational and relevant as possible. Please contact us to discuss how we can tailor the trip to align with your curriculum or specific learning objectives.

While lunch is not included in the school trip package, we offer cafe areas where students can enjoy their packed lunches.

Is there anything else you’d like to know? Just ask! We're happy to help.

We're here to help and happy to accommodate your needs.

Contact Us->

As you prefer:

Website Chat:Talk with us using Chat on the Website
Email: Write us an email to info@chocotopia.cz
Phone number: +420226776776

*The phone number and email are answered from Wednesday to Sunday, 10:00 – 18:00

Explore More Chocolate Experiences

Chocolate Factory Tour

chocolate factory tour

Welcome to a real-life Chocolate Factory adventure!

Chocolate Factory Tour + Chocolate Workshop

Prague chocolate workshop

Explore the chocolate factory and make your own chocolate!

Birthday Parties

chocotopia birthday party

Make your child’s birthday a chocolate dream.

Team Building Fun

Book a unique company team building event here.


Contact Form

To book a Birthday Party, please fill out this form.

Just a few seconds to fill this out, and we’ll craft the perfect Birtday Party offer for you.

Contact Form

To book a Team Building, please fill out this form.

Just a few seconds to fill this out, and we’ll craft the perfect Birtday Party offer for you.

Chocolate Experience Center

V Oblouku 728, Pruhonice,
Czech Republic

Saturday – sunday:

Monday – Friday:

10:00 – 18:00


Chocotopia Entertainment Center

Celetná 15, Prague 1
Czech Republic

Monday – Sunday

10:00 – 19:00

Candytopia & Sweet Selfies Studio

Celetná 10, Prague 1
Czech Republic

Monday – Sunday

11:00 – 23:00